Monday, December 17, 2007

Top 3 Business Card Tips!

1. Don't have a business card! least, at first. When you're out networking and someone asks for your card, pretend you "forgot" yours. Get their card instead with a promise to get your info to them A.S.A.P. This puts you in control. You now have your network contact's information to add to an database (like TopProducer 7i), and a reason to contact them soon.

2. Make your website the biggest, boldest thing on the card.
Your website is where you want people to end up, even if they're not going to call you. Make it stand out, even more than your name. If they go to your website (and if your site grabs their attention), it increases the chances that they'll call.

3. Include a call to action!
If you're going to be handing out business cards just like everyone else, why make them boring and forgettable just like everyone else? I don't care how cute your picture is, it's not a reason for someone to hang onto your card. Offer a discount to a local restaurant on the back, offer a free CMA if they sign up on your website.... it doesn't matter what the offer is. The idea is to make an offer that will make them keep your card!

Bonus: For a bonus super-creative business card idea, check out Mehmet Met Dilsiz's post on Activerain!

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